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The Forbidden Plan Page 15

  Zander spoke first, “Hey, Ol’ Jake. How are you?”

  He did not extend a similar greeting my way. Zander scarcely glanced in my direction all morning. He was obviously still upset about what he discovered before our last Remembrance Duty together. He would never forgive me for Jude Meadows. Also, it did not go unnoticed. He seemed friendlier with Old Jake than I would have expected for essentially being strangers.

  Old Jake answered feebly, “I’ve been better. Are you ready for what needs to be done?”

  His comment took me by surprise. What was he talking about? What needed to be done? I wanted to interrupt and ask what he was insinuating, but I waited. I bit my tongue to resist bursting with resounding questions.

  Zander exhaled an endless breath and his face brightened before asserting, “Yes, I am ready. Looks like three more drudges are going to disappear and join the others.”

  Old Jake’s features crinkled with enthusiasm and he declared, “Yes it does, my boy, yes it does.”

  I could not take it one more second, my curiosity was spilling over. What was going on?!

  I nearly shouted, “What are you two talking about?!”

  Old Jake took my small anxious hands in his large weathered ones and expressed exuberance.

  Zander was grinning and buoyant too. His features were lit with cheerfulness. When he smiled genuinely, he was quite handsome. He had smooth ebony skin, a strong jawline, and mysterious brown eyes. His bright and shining features replaced his usual, dark, and brooding ones. In the sunlight he gleamed with a vibrant luster.

  Due to Zander’s pleasant mood, I entertained the notion he finally forgave me for my crimes with Jude. Did I imagine he was ignoring me all morning? His pleased satisfaction was contagious. I chanced an apprehensive expression of friendliness. I hoped for his forgiveness and good graces once more.

  What was the exact cause of this unexpected elation? My antsy gestures indicated they should hurry and answer my question. Anticipation was building and it was so thick, I could practically reach out and grab it. Old Jake motioned for Zander to divulge the immensely sought for information.

  I urged, “Please, tell me!!”

  Zander jokingly waited a few more seconds before responding. Undoubtedly, he was keeping me on the edge of my seat on purpose.

  He boomed enthusiastically, “Well, Ms. Analysse. We are leaving good ol’ Starosa and for good!”

  His brown eyes were dancing and delight reached both of his ears. His words bounced around in my mind. Was it true? I looked at Old Jake. My dependable old protector would confirm, and without toying with my emotions in the process.

  “Is it true? Are we leaving Starosa?”

  My excitement fluttered like butterfly wings, but the impact of never seeing Jude again crossed the paths of my betraying brain. I silently berated myself. Old Jake’s dull blue eyes met mine, and the lines around them creased in a web of blissful wrinkles.

  He confirmed, “Yes, dear girl, we are leaving Starosa.”

  His happy demeanor quickly turned to fierce concern as he added, “We are getting you away from immediate and threatening danger, Ana.”

  His words took me by surprise and I indicated confusion.

  “What do you mean you are getting me away from immediate danger?”

  I was under the impression my perilous predicament had improved in Starosa. I was avoiding trouble and working hard, always working hard. Old Jake was unaware of my recklessness with Jude, a lapse in judgment, which had been terminated an entire month now.

  At my cluelessness, Zander rolled his eyes. His normal, harsh, and brooding eyes replaced joyful, light, and dancing ones. The detested, aphotic, and unfeeling stones returned. A recognizable and well-known look of disgust shrouded his features. He bore into me and signaled disapproval. His sharp tones stung as they curtly flew from his mouth.

  “Analysse, surely you can put two and two together?! Obviously, the Chief wants you dead sooner than later. And he doesn’t even know about your devious arrangement with…”

  My heart dropped and settled somewhere in my abdominal region. Old Jake could not know about my appalling transgressions! I cut him off with infuriated words before he could finish.

  “Zander! You promised!”

  Extremely panic stricken, I questioned, “You haven’t somehow already told him, have you?”

  My disposition sank to the depths of the land. It was weighted with the disappointment Old Jake would have for me. Especially because I intentionally kept him in complete darkness. I never admitted my disobedient actions. Not a single hint of my deceitfulness had been uttered. I knew it was nothing short of cowardice, but could not will myself to confess.

  Zander had stopped talking and confirmed, “No, I haven’t said a word, Analysse. You’re right, I promised. Sorry.”

  Old Jake was bewildered by our banter. By boiling over with Zander, I essentially admitted to hiding something. Hurt masked his expression and my resolve nearly broke. I quickly reiterated my unanswered question from before, wishing to stall Old Jake from inquiring about the apparent conflict between Zander and I.

  “What were you two talking about?”

  Old Jake would not let the current subject be breached. He shot the same inquiry right back in my direction.

  “No, what were you two talking about?”

  Zander released a loud scoff and insisted, “Don’t look at me. Ask your precious Ana. My lips are sealed.”

  Old Jake peered at me and entreated, “Ana?”

  I was trapped in a corner and suffocating. I did not want to tell him. I did not want to break his heart. I fired the first thing from my mind, postponing an admission anyway I could.

  “I will tell you, but it will be hard to hear.”

  My eyes brimmed with tears and I urged, “Can you tell me what kind of immediate danger you were referring to first? What did you mean? Please, tell me and I promise to tell you.”

  Old Jake nodded his head and begrudgingly agreed to my plea against his better judgment.

  “These old ears still hear plenty well, you know?”

  He confidently beamed and pointed a long, bony, and weathered finger toward his ears. They were large and gray hair crept through their openings.

  He wistfully explained, “A few days ago I overheard some of the elite tens talking. They were referring to an ill-fated drudge girl and I was positive they meant my precious Ana. Their unguarded communication revealed Chief Meadows’s plan to send Rykeir and Shane to kill you. They were ordered to kill you and whoever was sent with you on your next Remembrance Duty. Arrangements were being made for getting a few replacement drudges created. We have no choice...we have to escape Chef Meadows’s murderous clutches.”

  “Kill me on Remembrance Duty!? Why? Is this why we were not given knives today? So we would be defenseless when they attacked?”

  I signaled frustration and implored, “Is it because his initial plan of ridding me did not work?”

  Zander was the only one who knew about my other wrongdoings, and he would never betray me to Chief Meadows. Jude would not either. Or would he…did he?

  I strongly reconfirmed, “I told you. I promised you, Old Jake. I would not fall in love with a drudge and I kept my word. What caused this sudden onslaught without justification?”

  Zander choked and coughed out loud. I fired a smoldering glance and threatened him to be quiet with a flash of anger in my eyes. The blaze of my glare must have burned because he instantly stopped and stared in the vicinity of Starosa. He became intent on watching Jess and Edward, as they grew smaller and smaller on the long dirt road leading toward home.

  Old Jake shook his aged head and assured, “No, sweetheart. Chief Meadows knows you did not fall for Zander. It is not the reason.”

  He proceeded to stare at me fixedly and asked, “Did you know Jude’s gone missing?”

  Upon hearing those words, all of the muscles constricted in my stomach and I could not catch my breath. Was this reaction in r
esult of Old Jake mentioning Jude? Thus, heightening my guilt? Or was the information about Jude missing what rendered me disheveled? I could not be certain.

  Old Jake resumed speaking, “Chief Meadows has been devastated over his missing son. His trusted advisor, Rykeir told him the last time he saw Jude…”

  His words trailed off and he twisted from me as he morosely added, “The last time he saw him…I guess he was talking to you, Ana.”

  Old Jake could not even look me in the eyes. His revelation was astounding in a dreadful way.

  He further explained, “Rykeir said he spotted you two right before Jude went missing. He claims you were conversing in a chummy manner near the firstlings’ houses, and affirms it was well after the eight o’clock bell.”

  Old Jake was visibly sorrowed and his ancient limbs were shaking with discouragement.

  “Upon hearing this information, Chief Meadows became infuriated. He ordered for you to be killed on your next Remembrance Duty.”

  He paused for a brief moment and inquired, “Is this story accurate, Ana, were you talking to Jude last week? If you were…why? After our discussion many months ago, you were doing everything in your power to stay away from Chief Meadows’s son, correct?”

  Zander snorted noisily and looked at me smartly. He was thoroughly enjoying the sight of me struggling under the pressure of the exchange. When I fired another irritated glance, he turned and hooded his eyes from the rising sun. He was peering at Jess's and Edward’s disappearing horses. The horses appeared to be the size of tiny insects in the distance. We all watched as they sluggishly vanished from sight.

  My brain was a jumbled mess. Chief Meadows officially ordered my death sentence? Jude was missing? I was falsely accused of chatting with Jude in public? Zander was fiercely annoying me. But above all, I was enraged at Rykeir’s lies!

  I practically shouted, “No! I was not visiting with Jude last week.”

  I moved with disdain and confessed, “I never told you, but I do know what night Rykeir is referring to. However, his version of the story is distorted with a web of lies.”

  I shuddered as I remembered the horrible encounter with Rykeir and the events of the dreadful experience.

  “It was a horrible night, Old Jake.”

  The resurgence of the repressed memory caused me to rattle with aghast.

  In a nearly inaudible voice I said, “Rykeir attacked me.”

  Zander was occupying himself by slowly pacing. He relished the moments I squirmed under Old Jake’s questioning. But upon hearing my words, he stopped dead in his tracks. He reacted quicker than Old Jake. His temper was always getting the better of him.

  He yelled, “What!? Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell anyone!?”

  His fingers balled into fuming fists and he strained to keep his anger at bay. His nostrils flared and the steady motion of his chest increased significantly. He strode at an alarming rate.

  He sneered, “I hate Rykeir. If given the chance, I would kill him with my own two hands.”

  Old Jake was able to retain a much calmer disposition than Zander.

  In shaken and depleted speech, he asked, “How did you get away sweetheart, what happened? Is Rykeir the real reason for the bruising above your cheek?”

  Frightful emotions resurfaced as I touched the sensitive spot beneath my eye. It was healing, but a slight yellowish bruise remained.

  I answered, “Yes, but Jude saved me! He protected me from that scarred monster. He pushed Rykeir off me and demanded I run home. I did what he said. I ran and never looked back. I didn’t know…I…how long has he been missing?”

  Old Jake’s face was undoubtedly pained as he replied, “I’m not sure...”

  Zander abruptly cut him off and interrogated, “So…Old Jake, you overheard they would be attacking us tonight, right? And all we had to do was wait until Jess and Edward were out of sight so we could leave unnoticed?”

  The panic in Zander’s questioning was surprising. His unsteady tone was unlike the smooth, arrogant, and booming speech typically leaving his lips.

  Old Jake looked at him with an alarmed expression and asked, “Yeah, why?”

  Zander’s dark skin paled with apparent terror and he answered, “Because I see Rykeir and Shane heading this way...right now!”

  Old Jake and I glanced toward Starosa. Zander was right. Our executioners’ horses, insignificant as tiny pebbles in the distance, were heading our way. My limbs trembled with dread. I looked at the dear and beloved, old man. Blood appeared to have seeped from his weathered, wrinkled face. He endeavored to stand from the ground, shaking with the excursion it required to rise. Zander immediately aided him to his feet. I wobbled to my feet as well. Not from the tinges of old age, but with rising horror. Despite the evident dread shadowing his features, Old Jake unexpectedly stood firm, strong, and urgent.

  He ordered, “We need to go, now!”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the neighboring thicket of trees. Trees I never dared to venture to before because of what could be lurking within their billowing formations. The forest represented fear I endured since my tenth year of life, marking the inauguration of many horrifying remembrance duties. The area was too far away from the buzzing fence of electricity, exemplifying safety and home.

  We headed for the sinister branches and shadowy leaves. To the region where creatures could slaughter within seconds and expertly roamed the night. Old Jake, usually hindered by frailties, moved with astonishing strength. Zander led the way and we tried our best to keep stride. But after a few minutes, Old Jake’s lack of good health and his ancient age took over. The adrenaline was no longer enough to fuel his stamina. I tugged him while he desperately strove along.

  I chanced a timid glance and it was clear our attempted escape did not go unnoticed. Rykeir and Shane whipped the backside of their horses and advanced at an accelerated pace. I was already dragging Old Jake, but after assessing the speed of our fast approaching enemies, I heaved with more tenacity. I mustered more strength than I was normally physically capable of achieving. Zander attempted to remain near, but as Old Jake struggled with the exertion of running, we lost sight of him. He entered the thicket of trees and out of sight. I determined to move in the direction I last saw Zander.

  I was winded, but with desperate urgency pleaded, “Come on, Old Jake. You can do this. Come on!”

  He was gasping for air and could barely take another step. All of a sudden, he became immobile and suffered a harrowing coughing fit. Every hack was like a wound inserted into my chest. Were we going to make this narrow escape? He could not catch his breath and Rykeir and Shane were nearing the gate.

  Old Jake urged, “Go, Ana!”

  He wheezed, “Run, get out of here. Leave me. I was already a dying old man. Find Zander. He will take good care of you. He promised me he would watch over and protect you in my absence.”

  My legs and arms were burning with the effort it required to lug him forward and move at a frantic pace. My body was not used to such strenuous physical labor. I resisted falling from exhaustion.

  With firmness I exhorted, “No! Now, come on!”

  I could never leave him behind. He must know it was not an option. I strained to push him onward. Unexpectedly, Zander reappeared from the forested area. He must have discovered we were no longer behind him and returned to help with Old Jake. He sprinted in our direction.

  His voice roared, “Come on! I found a place to hide, but we need to hurry!”

  Dread clouded his features and he shouted, “Watch out!”

  Instantly, Old Jake moved his body to shelter and cover mine. A roaring sound exploded in my ears. It was shocking and I screamed. Old Jake released a miserable wail and fell to his knees. With swift movements, I caught hold of him before he fell to the earth. Holding him in my arms, I discovered Rykeir and Shane officially at the gate. Shane was entering the gate code, and Rykeir held a gun. The barrel was poking through one of the openings of the barricade. He had fire
d the deadly weapon and hit Old Jake.

  Ammunition was scarce in Starosa. Shots were only taken if the elite tens or Chief Meadows were sure of hitting their marks. This condition echoed true in a disastrous, sickening instant. Blood was seeping through Old Jake’s green work shirt. Zander’s cry of warning must have resulted in an immediate reaction to save my life. Old Jake was clutching his stomach, and the faded veins of his hands were intertwined rivers covered in blood. His blood was on me too and the sight of it ignited panic. The gun fired another earth-shattering calamity, and this time it was evidently aimed for Zander. Zander released an outcry of pain and stumbled to the dirt.

  Chapter 21

  I cried out hysterically, “Zander!!”

  Zander struggled back to his feet. His only option was to return to the trees for protection. He labored back into the greenery, attempting to evade the possible onslaught of more life-threatening bullets thundering his way. I was incredibly hopeless and dreadfully frightened.

  Old Jake implored, “Go, Ana! Please, leave me now!”

  Old Jake was panting and unable to regulate his breathing. I determined death was inevitable and tears flowed unabashedly. I positioned his body to the ground, knowing I did not have much time. I needed to disclose the sins of my past. I could not let his spirit leave without confessing my shameful and deceitful misconduct. The admission poured from my mouth as rapidly as blood was oozing from Old Jake’s gruesome wound.

  I declared, “I was meeting Jude Meadows in secret, but I stopped. I am so sorry I deceived you. I love you…Old Jake…grandpa, my grandpa.”

  After speaking the tender term of endearment, a forbidden expression for drudges, I wept uncontrollably. We were deprived of the good fortune of family relationships. Yet, he was my grandpa and he ensured a kindred bond. Regardless of the strict and ridiculous regulations banning it.

  Old Jake communicated an affectionate expression with his cherished, but weakened smile.