The Forbidden Plan Read online

Page 16

  In a withering voice, he whispered, “Thank you for telling me the truth, Ana. I knew something was awry. I just wasn’t sure of what you were doing.”

  I grimaced. He suspected something because Old Jake seemed to possess knowledge about everything.

  He breathlessly affirmed, “Do not be sorry for falling in love, my dear. For in a different time and place, love was a beautiful endeavor.”

  I never mentioned love in my belated admission. Maybe Old Jake was aware of more than I fully allowed myself to acknowledge. However, I could not sensibly dwell on the matter as both of our lives hung in the balance of limited time. He gingerly put his arm around me and hugged me as tightly as his dying capacity would allow.

  Through pain and stifled tears, he expressed, “I love you, my little, Ana. But you are going to have to leave. Run now! Go find Zander!”

  Spoken in a tormented voice I exclaimed, “No, I can’t leave you! I don’t want you to die.”

  I immensely cherished this old, sweet man. He let me live peacefully under his protective wing. He had taken special care of me over the years. I would be losing him forever. My grandpa. He sacrificed his life for my own.

  He used the frail strength he had left to remove me from his grasp and begged, “If you love me sweetheart, you need to go. Be free, far from here!”

  In barely audible speech, he added, "If my wife is still alive, find her. Tell her I love her and never forgot her. Ana, promise me you will live an amazing life! Promise!”

  With the hand not cradling his head, I traced a cross over my heart and uttered, “I promise.”

  Tears fell like relentless rain on a stormy day. I was clueless about how I was going to find his wife. I was unaware he had one, but I did not have time to consider the details of his dying pleas. Rykeir and Shane entered the gate and were rapidly advancing. The distance keeping us apart was way too short. Old Jake’s body went limp in my arms and I quickly kissed him on the cheek. The taste of my tears and his tears stained my lips. I fled to the forest. I reluctantly deserted the only family I had ever known, unmoving in the dust behind me.

  Rykeir shouted, “There’s no point in running!!”

  Their horses’ hooves beat hard and fast as they pounded the ground behind me. If I could make it to the safety of the towering trees and dense undergrowth, the horses could not easily follow. My only chance for survival was on foot surrounded by nature’s obstacles. I ran as fast as my body would allow and yelled for Zander. Anticipating more gunshots, I dove into the thick underbrush. I quickly regained my composure, scrambled to my feet, and scampered forward. Rykeir and Shane approached the forested area. I heard thundering footsteps trailing my direction.

  Rykeir screeched with agitation, “Oh pretty, Analysse. I will catch you!”

  He swiftly advanced, resulting in an extra dose of adrenaline for me to push forward. I clung to any possibility of invasion. I continuously tripped over raised tree roots, shrubbery, and scattered rock. Low hanging branches whipped at my arms and face. My cheeks and forehead stung with pain from the repeated blows. My chest burned with the exertion of escape. I ran until my lungs were depleted from air.

  I desperately needed to stop in fear of complete collapse. I hastily searched for a place to hide and catch my breath. In hopes of concealment, I sought the largest tree in the vicinity and rushed to it. I stifled my rapid, loud panting to avoid being heard by my pursuer. As the fire in my lungs subsided, I listened for the malicious sounds of Rykeir’s or Shane’s dangerous footsteps.

  My inability to stop trembling made it difficult to focus on threatening noises. I was unsure of my future acts of evasion. Should I bolt and run further into the unknown terrain? Should I peer around my current fortress of protection before darting?

  I erratically closed my eyes and took a quiet, immense breath. I glanced to the right of the barrier currently keeping me in obscurity. Nothing. I faced forward and leaned against the tree, attempting to determine my next plan of flight. A twig snapped to my left, echoing fear and dread in my ears. I froze in alarming terror and my head perked to the clamor of approaching harm. I was like a wild animal being hunted by a bigger and meaner predator. But this killer carried a lethal weapon.

  Rykeir released a creepy laugh before emerging from the shadows. He boldly brandished a knife. An evil leer spread across his face, stretching the hideous scar on his cheek.

  His slithering speech resounded, “Well, well, well, we meet again. We do have unfinished business you and I.”

  Not masking underlying triumph, he affirmed, “This time little boy Meadows is nowhere near to stop me.”

  He inched closer and in a swift motion pinned me to the tree. He pressed his perverse mouth to my ear. The action sent sinister chills through my spine.

  He breathed, “I have already killed the weak, burdensome, and dying old man. I know I hit the arrogant creator drudge with my bullet. I never miss. Shane is hunting him this inssstant. This leaves you to me.”

  Zander. Is he dead? Is he dying somewhere in these horrible circumstances? Has Shane already found and officially executed him? I tried to remain resolute, though my world was crashing and crumbling around me.

  Rykeir moved his sickening mouth from my ear and stepped back to glare at me studiously.

  His malicious tirade proceeded, “Old Jake, the eldest of the old ones has finally fallen. He always irritated me. I shall celebrate his death…and yours. I have orders from Chief Meadows to execute you all, and now it is your turn.”

  As he pointed the blade under my chin, he sinisterly asked, “How shall we begin?”

  I stared straight into his lightless and demonic eyes, attempting to force disgust and revulsion to my features. I wanted to direct my loathing emotions and pierce them into his vile heart. Determined to portray indignation and not fear, motivated by a seething defiance of his wickedness.

  He slithered, “You have nothing to say do you? Well let’s see, first things first. How shall I kill you? The gun seems far too quick, far too easy. I think I’d enjoy using slower means.”

  He fixed his gray beady eyes on my body. Sweat dripped from his greasy, long black hair. He ambled forward and vehemently pointed his knife. He licked his lips as he contemplated his first move.

  “Please, don’t!” I pleaded.

  I cautiously shuffled in an attempt to move around the tree standing tall and firm behind me.

  With a burst of adrenaline, I shifted and ran. I took off as fast as I could manage. In an effort to prevent the inevitable, fleeing was the only defense at my disposal. He swiftly pursued and grabbed my arm. He yanked the back of my hair and managed to restrain me to the ground. I fought and kicked with every ounce of strength I could muster, but he overpowered me.

  I resisted and thrashed my limbs with intense energy. He cruelly wrestled my attempts and held his knife severely close to my neck and chest. Undoubtedly, deciding where to brutally strike first. He swung the blade back and I winced, bracing myself for the attack.

  Suddenly, a growl roared through the trees. Powerful tracks and rapid breathing were approaching my indefensible conflict. Rykeir firmly held his grip, but anxiously glanced around as fear twisted his features. We both knew what the sound was; a flesheater clearly heard our clamorous struggle. A large beast thundered with swift movements. It was thrashing through undergrowth and trees, preparing to ambush.

  I attempted to use Rykeir’s distraction as a means to break free. He was noticeably terrified of the approaching creature, but became furious at my struggling efforts. He tightened his hold on my arms, pinning me harshly to the ground. He viciously struck my head with the hand holding the knife. The world went dark for a moment and my vision was instantly fuzzy. My ears were ringing and I struggled to regain composure. Through the haze, I saw him raise his hand once more. This time to inflict a life ending wound.

  A piercing howl filled the air. Fur, drool, fangs, and claws suddenly burst into my blurred vision. There was a flash of movement. R
ykeir was shoved from my body by the dangerous predator. The animal would attack the larger meat source first, then savagely pursue the meager scraps I would provide. I chanced a hesitant glance at the beast and Rykeir, horrified to witness the flesheater tearing through Rykeir’s body.

  The result of my summoned courage was to behold the beast punching Rykeir repeatedly in the face. The massive size of the flesheater indicated it was male. It was fiercely unsettling how flesheaters exhibited human characteristics. This particular specimen was no exception.

  Its ferocious assault was not with the claws and teeth capable of ripping Rykeir to shreds. It was fighting with fists and punching like an enraged person while wretchedly growling like a beast. The yowls and snarls resonated rage and destruction. I shuddered with horror. I became mesmerized and incapable of movement. The blow to my head rendered me unable to function sensibly and physically.

  Rykeir appeared to be at the brink of demise, but managed to slither an escape. The surprise attack had knocked the knife from his hand, and he scrambled for the fallen weapon. He retrieved his knife and with a quick, trained movement stabbed the creature near its shoulder. The flesheater shrieked from the affliction and staggered. After Rykeir struck the monstrous animal, he quickly veered and sprinted with eager flight toward safety. He unholstered his gun for defense and abandoned the skirmish. He left his unfinished business for the furious flesheater to ravage. The creature wailed in suffering. It growled, moaned, and clawed at the earth.

  My body remained motionless aside from distressed, fast breathing. Even if I mustered the courage, where would I go? What could I do? I did not possess a weapon for defense and flesheaters ran incredibly fast.

  Maybe the imposing animal would persist at making Rykeir its prey. This optimistic anticipation was wishful and fleeting. The beast would not disregard what could so easily be attained. I would be the effortless meal, if not the bigger and more satisfying one. The flesheater would devour me within minutes.

  The massive creature moved toward Starosa and savagely faced Rykeir’s trail of revulsion. My confidence leaped with the tiniest glimmer of hope. The flesheater might leave and pursue Rykeir after all. The beast growled and roared in what seemed like agony, pain, and infuriation. The creature removed the deserted knife and inspected its bloody wound. Its slumped shoulders and lowered head indicated apparent defeat. The beast slowly curved its broad body to peer at me with glistening and piercing, yellow tinged eyes. I was horrified. How could I ever come out of this situation alive?!

  The creature haltingly stepped forward. The beast’s bristly feet were huge with sharp deadly claws. The flesheater’s fists were still clenched in anger. But as it treaded my way, fingers relaxed to reveal its frightening, pointed hooks.

  As the creature crept in my direction, its eyes bore into mine. They blazed in a creepy humanistic way, and mirrored those I encountered in the past. Somehow, these reflected an unusual softness and sadness as well. The flesheater’s chest heaved with the exertion expended from attacking Rykeir. I gently closed my eyes and waited, bracing myself for its inevitable attack.

  Nothing happened. I apprehensively glimpsed the creature studying me. The beast slightly extended his immense arm. The notion was ridiculous, but he gave the impression of gently reaching for me. He hesitated immediately. The monstrous animal looked at the coat of fur covering his arm and recoiled. The flesheater took crashing steps away from me.

  The creature released a gut-wrenching howl and anguished growl. With an arm and clawed hand, he appeared to signal for me to leave. I stood facing the flesheater in bewilderment. When I did not instantly retreat, the beast grew mean and snarled fiercely. He motioned for my departure with increased urgency. The creature roared with ferociousness and nudged my vulnerable body with his large frame.

  Strangely perceived within the growls and sneers was the word, “Go!” An exposed mouth revealed fangs. They were like sharpened knives protruding from a cave and dripping with excess drool. The fierce roar roused my fear laden stupor, and I turned to dart away. I did not possess clarity for a successful flight. Hanging tree branches relentlessly whipped my head and face. The twigs were like arms and fingers trying to ensnare and hinder my miraculous departure.

  I never chanced a backward glance. The peculiar flesheater resisted shredding my limbs and devouring the meal I would have procured. I attempted to surmise the motive for a flesh-eating beast to free me from slaughter. After endless running, I wearily stopped to catch my breath. I dropped to the ground with my back flanking an enormous tree trunk. The sun poked through the leaves with vast brightness. I ascertained it was close to midday, and defeatedly longed for a day of cleaning duty, safe in Starosa.

  Dire tragedies seemed to be the price for freedom. Was it truly worth the resulting death and sorrow? Where was Zander? Was he even alive? I was grieving the loss of Old Jake and deeply desired to live up to the sacrifice of his life for my own. In a moment of despair, I buried my head into my hands.

  I whispered fiercely to the earth, “What am I supposed to do!?”

  Even my hushed tone was too loud in the eerie and encompassing quiet. The increased dread and an onslaught of emotional exhaustion brought copious and flowing tears.

  In a softer, more pitiful murmur, I declared, “I don’t know what to do.”

  I heard their carnivorous clamor immediately and cautiously moved to a standing position. I scooted closer to the tree in an attempt to gain some of its towering strength and protection. Pounding feet echoed in the distance. Accompanying the sound of chilling footsteps, were a jumble of growls, snarls, and claws ripping through the woodland. I knew what was charging, and there was more than one. Branches snapped with impact, as the ominous beasts speedily advanced.

  Another distinct growl roared from a different direction. Within its thunderous bellow, I absurdly caught the sound of my name. I stayed frozen against the immense tree trunk. To the left of me, a single flesheater crashed through the trees. The deep wound and crimson blood near its shoulder, signaled it was the flesheater who released me moments ago. The creature’s focus darted from left to right and it acted anxious. Terror filled my consciousness as I speculated the intentions of this abnormal, but spine-chilling beast.

  The noises of the pack heading our way, were fast approaching. Branches smashed nearby; they would be charging into view within seconds. With a low rumbling growl, the wounded flesheater bound forward and effortlessly heaved me over its shoulder. The impact knocked the breath from my lungs. I attempted to fight. I screamed while kicking and pounding at the creature’s broad back with my fists, but it was futile. His strength far exceeded my own. After the alarming panic subsided, I discovered we were moving away from the hungry horde of flesheaters. The beast was running at an incredibly fast speed and the surrounding scenery became a blur.

  Suspended over its shoulder, I strained to lift my neck and stared forward. My vision focused as the hungry pack burst through the trees. They landed where I was standing seconds before. When the gruesome group discovered the rogue actions of their fellow species, enraged cries sent fear through my body. With infuriated movements, they dropped to all four limbs, and pushed forward with alarming viciousness. The flesheaters would close the distance rapidly and were so imminent, I saw drool dripping from their fangs.

  The ravenous beasts wanted my flesh and blood, and would ensure I was in their grasp. The single flesheater held me securely against its impressive frame and ran on hind legs. It rushed through the forestry. Carrying me must have slowed its pace immensely, but it persevered with shocking speed.

  All of a sudden, I became aware of a searing pain in my back. The flesheater clutched my body firmly. Its claws dug into my shirt and skin, while it jumped over raised roots and large rocks.

  It powered through nature’s hurdles. Against my better judgment, I grasped the beast closer. The savage pack of flesheaters relentlessly growled and cried for my blood in hot pursuit.

  Suddenly, and quite
abruptly, we halted to a stop. The creature bent to tug on a metal square wedged in the ground. While lifting the metal with its wounded arm, it winced and howled. But held me securely with its other arm. Hurriedly, we descended metal prongs protruding from the dirt wall of an underground hole. As we stumbled down, the flesheater moved me from its shoulder until we were chest to chest. I tightly wrapped my arms around its enormous neck while it paused to heave the metal square shut. A deathly darkness ensued. The creature slammed an eroded latch into place and descended further. I held on resolutely. Seconds later, the pursuing flesheaters clamored above and the ground vibrated and rattled. Flecks of dirt fell onto my searching features and atop my head. There had to be at least ten of them. Their grunts and powerful heavy breathing echoed in my ears.

  Chapter 22

  The beast released me and we stood waiting in silence. The pack of hostile and hungry flesheaters trampled above. I was as unmoving as solid rock, until the terrible sounds diminished. A very tense, dark, and dreary eternity transpired before I processed my current dilemma. In a petrified state I stared at the mysterious tunnel burrowing underground. The tunnel lead to the closed metal square giving us relief from our pursuers. The metal was dotted with tiny holes. It slightly illuminated the confined space with the afternoon sun. I remained focused on the enclosed entry for so long my eyes were stinging. They stung with a desperate need for moisture. Consciously giving into blinking provided relief.

  With the simple flutter of my eyelids, I became intensely aware of my paralyzing terror. The horde of ominous and bloodthirsty flesheaters would have obliterated me. I was cognizant of the single flesheater, but a few feet away. It was still heavily breathing. I did not want to turn toward the beast, but what else could I do? Eventually, I would have to remove my fixated gaze and stop burning holes into the dirt covered ceiling. I struggled to compose myself and carefully pivoted to fearfully behold the life threatening animal. As I faced the creature, I held air in my lungs. I was afraid to make even the tiniest of movements.